Culture classroom

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Culture classroom par Mind Map: Culture classroom

1. Mutual respect (between the instructor and the students, and especially between the students); Openness to different opinions and points of view. ; Argumentation based on evidence and reasoning; Motivating and entertaining learning; Explicitation of the underlying values and epistemologies of a discipline; Transparency in evaluation (i.e. criteria and headings) Recognition and respect for the personalities of each student in the class; Collaboration and mutual help.

1.1. Link

1.2. Attitude

1.3. Parental participation

1.4. :slightly_smiling_face: Mutual respect (between the instructor and the students, and especially between the students); Openness to different opinions and points of view. ; Argumentation based on evidence and reasoning; Motivating and entertaining learning; Explicitation of the underlying values and epistemologies of a discipline; Transparency in evaluation (i.e. criteria and headings) Recognition and respect for the personalities of each student in the class; Collaboration and mutual help.

1.4.1. Link

1.4.2. Attitude

1.4.3. Parental participation

2. Classroom Culture tips: Set rules together. Turn problems into teachable moments. Change the setup. Chat with each student individually.

2.1. Make sure that the student's interaction is clearly defined:

2.2. guiding them through the process.

2.3. recommend having the opinion of the students on this, but

2.4. treat each other when we work together? I would always

2.5. this is really the crux of the culture of any situation. How do we

3. Express interest in the ethnic background of your students.

4. What is positive classroom culture? A positive classroom culture is characterized by a non-threatening atmosphere where students feel that they are able to speak, offer ideas and take risks without fear of reprisal or mockery.

5. What is Classroom Culture? Classroom culture involves creating an environment where students feel safe and free to be involved. It's a space where everyone should feel accepted and included in everything.

6. How does culture affect the classroom? Culture includes what people actually do and what they believe. Culture influences greatly how we see the world, how we try to understand it and how we communicate with each other. Therefore, culture determines, to a great extent, learning and teaching styles.

7. "The dominant values and beliefs that have an influence on the decision-making process."

7.1. Find Your Focus:

7.2. Make it unique: what makes a culture defined is its unique nature. If the classroom focuses on students becoming voracious readers for the year, think about what could create that unique identity in the classroom.

7.3. Make it as fun as appropriate: for a culture to work, students must enjoy it. The connection they feel with the classroom will be as strong as the commitment that students have to it.

7.4. Involve students in the details: students should be able to participate and help plan the details. If the room is decorated or there is a themed song in the classroom, the student's contribution is important to ensure that he enjoys it.

7.5. Be creative: creating an incredible culture can be one of the funniest details of planning for the year. Educators can really have fun with that. Part of a theme may involve the decorations of the room.

7.6. Make sure that the student's interaction is clearly defined: this is really the crux of the culture of any situation. How do we treat each other when we work together? I would always recommend having the opinion of the students on this, but guiding them through the process.

8. Motivating and entertaining learning; Explicitation of the underlying values and epistemologies of a discipline; Transparency in evaluation (i.e. criteria and headings) Recognition and respect for the personalities of each student in the class; Collaboration and mutual help.

8.1. Link

8.1.1. Attitude Parental participation

9. Be creative: creating an incredible culture can be one of the funniest details of planning for the year. Educators can really have fun with that. Part of a theme may involve the decorations of the room.

10. Classroom Culture concept: Classroom culture involves creating an environment where students feel safe and free to be involved. It’s a space where everyone should feel accepted and included in everything. Students should be comfortable with sharing how they feel, and teachers should be willing to take it in to help improve learning

11. Involve students in the details: students should be able to participate and help plan the details. If the room is decorated or there is a themed song in the classroom, the student's contribution is important to ensure that he enjoys it.