Impacts of Global Warming

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Impacts of Global Warming par Mind Map: Impacts of Global Warming

1. coral reefs can be destroyed and the sea living animals will be affected by loss of habitat

2. plankton is the main food source of the marine life and if it gets damaged the ocean creatures will suffer

3. the rise of sea level which cause the turtles to lose their nesting

4. plants need to photosynthesize in order for them to survive and when there is too much heat the enzymes needed will die

5. pests may migrate and destroy crops

6. human health will be affected

7. heat strokes will increse

8. more droughts and heat waves

9. increase of skin cancer

10. diseases will spread

11. paracites get higher

12. can affect humans

13. sea level rise cause cities to be destroyed

14. the food production will be affected

15. animals would lose their habitat

16. this also affect animals' life cycle

17. plants and animals will become extinct due to the earth getting warmer and warmer