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Theories par Mind Map: Theories

1. Learning Theories

1.1. Connectivism

1.1.1. suggests that learning occurs by way of diverse connections made through social media

1.1.2. the teacher serves as a learning architect to help guide and facilitate the students learning

1.1.3. gives accountability to the student to best utilize resources available to them to provide them with optimal information

1.1.4. encourages the student to make connections in their education and knowledge, across subject areas and resources alike

1.2. Constructivist

1.2.1. based on the notion that students structure new knowledge off of previously acquired knowledge

1.2.2. gives students the opportunity to be critical and accommodate for discrepancies between older learnings and new information

1.2.3. is an active learning technique in which educators can encourage their students to use real world problems and problem solving techniques in their learning

1.2.4. encourages students to be expert learners by asking questions and critically appraising their learning experiences

1.3. Cognitive Load

1.3.1. it is an information processing theory that utilizes knowledge of limits of human working memory and cognitive architecture

1.3.2. recognizes the importance of repetition and rehearsal so a task is processed by the work memory and into automation

1.3.3. utilizes long term memory to store factual and procedural information

1.3.4. allows teachers to be cognoscente of the volume of information they present to their students at any given time

2. Technology Theories

2.1. Media Ecology

2.1.1. it is a very multidimensional eclectic concept with no single definition

2.1.2. sees media as different environments which have unique structures, content and their influence on people who use it

2.1.3. values the interaction of technology with human values, thoughts and behaviours

2.1.4. recognizes that technology shapes the way in which we see the world

2.2. SCOT

2.2.1. studies how human action shapes technology

2.2.2. argues that the best way to understand technology is to understand technology in the way that it is embedded within a social context

2.2.3. allows researchers to measure the superiority of technology by creating a socially determined criteria by which to assess it

2.2.4. asses what particular aspects of technology were either successful or unsuccessful

2.2.5. Social Construction of Technology

3. Teaching Theory

3.1. TPACK

3.1.1. Encompasses 3 types of knowledge and how they integrate to produce an optimal teaching environment

3.1.2. Content knowledge is the information or material one wishes to convey on a subject matter

3.1.3. Pedagogical knowledge encompasses the skill set needed to teach another individual about a subject

3.1.4. Technological knowledge involves basic understand of software and various technological outlets

3.1.5. in a Venn diagram, overlaps between all 3 types of knowledge form the ideal TPACK system

3.2. Philosophy of Teachnology

3.2.1. is a philosophy unique to each teacher regarding their attitudes towards using technology in teaching

3.2.2. is preceded by Philosophy of Teaching

3.2.3. the Philosophy of Technology builds from the Philosophy of Teaching with the specific focus on integration of technology in the teaching process

3.2.4. teachers must create this expression of philosophy in a written statement which is designed to be revisited and modified over time