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Validity Evidence par Mind Map: Validity Evidence

1. Predictive validity

1.1. How well the test predicts some future behavior of the examinees and is important for aptitude tests.

2. Construct validity

2.1. Test relationship to other information corresponds well with some theory.

3. References: Kubiszyn, T., & Borich, G. D. (2000). Educational testing and measurement: Classroom application and practice.

4. Content Validity

4.1. Corresponds to what the user decides should be covered by the test.

4.1.1. Does it match instructional objectives and align with state academic standards?

4.2. Matches and fits instructional objectives

5. Criterion-Related Validity

5.1. Test scores are correlated with an external criterion.

5.1.1. concurrent criterion-related validity

6. Concurrent criterion-related validity

6.1. Administers measures and validate measures at the same time