What are the conventions of Science Fiction?

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What are the conventions of Science Fiction? par Mind Map: What are the conventions of Science Fiction?

1. Alternate History

2. Extraterrestial Contact

3. Telecommunication

4. psychic powers

5. Logical/Scientific Reasoning

6. Speculation

6.1. Speculation about the future

7. Genocide

8. What if

8.1. Past

9. Human Element

9.1. Drugs

9.2. Human flaws

9.3. Politics

10. Novum

10.1. Novum is a word referring to anything that isn't real, but we can reconcile with reality

11. Ethical dilemmas surrounding robots

12. Scientific Method

13. Future

14. Space travel

14.1. wormholes

14.2. Small and large scale space travel

14.2.1. Cyberpunk

14.3. End of the universe

15. Technology

15.1. time travel

15.1.1. Time paradoxes

15.2. Virtual reality

15.2.1. upload mind

15.3. Teleportation

15.4. Punishment

15.5. Viruses

15.5.1. Bioengineering Mutantion

15.6. Online world

15.7. Robots

15.8. AI

16. Parallel universes

17. Extensive world building

18. Critiques on Societies

19. Terrorism

19.1. alternate history

19.2. Human cost

20. Barack Obama is a space alien

20.1. Who says this has to be sci fi?

20.1.1. what is his last name?

21. Dystopia/Uptopia

22. gettting

23. Apocolypse

23.1. SCP (Shadow Society)

23.2. Societal Collapse

23.3. Dystopian world

24. biological evoultion

24.1. zombies apocolyspe

24.2. killer plants

24.3. global warming

24.4. Aliens

25. Discovery of God

25.1. God is dead

25.2. Cybernetics