Pastiche Ideas

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Pastiche Ideas par Mind Map: Pastiche Ideas

1. Ignorance

1.1. Knowing something bad is happening, still standing there and watching/listening

2. Stupidity

2.1. Why do the SAT?

3. Waste

3.1. Why have exams when ur final grade is an A?

4. Corruption

4.1. Government

4.1.1. if government is corrupt, then his ppl definitely corrupt.

5. Unjustice

5.1. Different laws in countries

5.1.1. a crime committed in 1 country, might be ok in other country or might be a minnor thing and not be severely punished, when the person should have been punished

6. Greed

6.1. Selling ppl

6.2. Marrying because one is rich