Volunteer Management App

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Volunteer Management App par Mind Map: Volunteer Management App

1. Lists

1.1. Event types

1.2. Access to Goods and Services

1.3. Skills

1.4. Trainings

1.5. Roles

1.5.1. Relevant skills

1.5.2. Relevant Trainings

1.5.3. Access required to...

2. Events

2.1. Type

2.2. Outside contacts

2.3. Roles Needed

2.3.1. Role-Shift

2.4. Shifts (need?)

3. Assignments

3.1. Event

3.1.1. Volunteer Role-Shift Volunteer Ranking Notes

4. UI Features

4.1. Log In - SSO

4.2. User can edit own profile (contact info, availability)

4.2.1. Conflict alerts

4.3. My Calendar showing commitments

4.4. Reminders

4.5. Event Calendar for coordinator

4.6. attendance & time tracking for coordinator

4.7. search for opportunities, for volunteers

4.7.1. Conflict alerts

4.8. search for possible volunteers, for coordinator

4.8.1. Conflict alerts

4.9. if allowable, public signup to volunteer

4.10. volunteer vetting features for coordinator/admin

4.11. Automatic Thank-Yous

4.12. Email to all event vol's

4.13. Email to particular role or day vol's

4.14. Duplicate event (such as for annual fundraiser) - duplicates all shifts to be filled and asks for new start date, adjusts all other dates accordingly.

5. Volunteers

5.1. Contact info

5.2. Name, Age, Birthday, other basic attributes

5.3. Status (Active, Blocked, Hiatus, etc)

5.4. Qualified Roles

5.5. Skills

5.6. Trainings Completed

5.7. Has Access To...

5.8. Limitations

5.9. Availability

5.9.1. Day-Time slots

5.10. Total of Ranking

5.11. Avg Rank per shift

5.12. VIP Volunteer?

5.13. Notes

5.14. Custom Attributes