Leadership Summit

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Leadership Summit par Mind Map: Leadership Summit

1. Movement

1.1. Wave

1.2. Change

1.3. Evolution

1.4. Shaed values

1.5. Societal change

1.6. "The Blob"

1.6.1. Crayons in a box

1.6.2. Inclusive of outliers

2. Alliance

3. Connectedness

3.1. not lonely

3.2. Not separated

3.3. Attraction

3.4. Promotion

3.5. Collaboration

3.6. Inspiration

3.7. Communication

3.7.1. Narrative

3.7.2. Mythology

3.7.3. Mystic

3.7.4. Articulate

3.7.5. Writing

3.7.6. Expression

3.7.7. Personal Where we can be together Video

3.8. Across siloes

3.9. Community

3.10. Culture

3.11. Place/space

3.12. Organic

4. Kim Wright

4.1. Cutting Edge Law

4.1.1. Organization

4.1.2. New Idea

4.2. JKimWright.com

4.3. Integrative Law Alliance

4.3.1. Integrating Common Sense and Law

4.4. IntegrativeLawMovement.com

5. Self-work

5.1. Dissillusionment

5.2. Inner change

5.3. Personal change

5.4. Scary

5.4.1. Challenge to others

5.4.2. That means it's important

5.4.3. Radical

5.4.4. Starting with ourselves

5.5. Personal integrity

6. Alliance

6.1. Structure

6.2. Naming

6.3. Organization

6.4. Steering committee