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Bintan par Mind Map: Bintan

1. Day 1

1.1. Team building games

1.1.1. octopus game

1.1.2. key punch

1.1.3. mouse trap towers

1.2. Night trek

1.2.1. Walk in the forest at night Very dark

2. Day 2

2.1. Trekking

2.1.1. Mountain Rainy took 3 hours

3. Day 3

3.1. Local School

3.1.1. Taught little kids

3.2. Mangrove planting

3.2.1. Very muddy

3.3. Village tour

3.3.1. Gave the locals things like rice

4. Day 4

4.1. Team challenge

4.1.1. Hourglass 15 meters high

4.2. Paintball

5. Day 5

5.1. ATV