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Brave par Mind Map: Brave

1. Inroduction

1.1. Bravery is a good trait to have.

1.2. People look up to people who are brave as role models.

1.3. I think bravery means to be bold even when no one else is and to face your fears.

2. Body

2.1. Sal was brave in Walk Two Moons.

2.1.1. She drove down the road that her mom died on, that scared her, and that even adults are afraid of.

2.2. People in the army are brave.

2.2.1. They fight for their country, even though they don't have to, they could die any day, even the roads they drive on could be filled with traps, they don't get to see their families for a long time.

2.3. One time I was brave.

2.3.1. I swam with a whale shark (a huge shark). Even if they don't bight, getting hit by their huge tails could knock the breath out of you, which is bad in the ocean.

3. Conclusion

3.1. People like to be friends with someone brave.

3.2. You don't have to do something dangerous, like the things I said, to be brave.

3.3. If you are brave you can conquer anything you set your mind to.