Organize and structure your thoughts to write an essay

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WHY par Mind Map: WHY

1. WEBR: We do not assume!

1.1. POC Workshop

1.1.1. Reality Check

1.1.2. Insight

1.1.3. How can we's Problemdefinition: How can we make a intranet that is simple to use and adds value by connecting our colleagues around the world.

1.1.4. Risks

1.1.5. Shock

1.1.6. Ideageneration

2. Assumption Vopak: We need a new Intranet

2.1. Action: Write RFI, RFP

2.2. Action: Invite Suppliers

2.3. Action: Shortlist Suppliers

3. Desire

3.1. START; Complexity and completeness will come later

3.2. Interaction

3.3. Dutch Language

4. Outcome POC Workshop

4.1. Sharp definition see the NEEDS

4.1.1. Technical solution

4.1.2. Project management

4.1.3. Change Management

5. Dutch Intranet

5.1. Sharepoint

5.2. Many instructions online

5.3. Links with smart selection

5.4. Mediacenter

5.4.1. little use of rich content

5.5. Human Resource

5.6. Calendar

5.7. GOOD

5.7.1. >1000 visitors

5.7.2. Dutch language

5.7.3. Is homepage

5.8. BAD

5.8.1. Not on mobile device

5.8.2. No interaction

5.8.3. No sharing of documents

5.8.4. Only 4 editors

5.8.5. Slow medium