Problems of Each Area (Industrial and Academic) 07/03/13 v0.1001

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Problems of Each Area (Industrial and Academic) 07/03/13 v0.1001 par Mind Map: Problems of  Each Area (Industrial and Academic) 07/03/13 v0.1001

1. Industrial Control Systems

1.1. Pollet(2002)

1.1.1. Intrusion via Management Information Systems Control Tools / STEP7 Programming Software Open Maintenance Ports

1.2. Igure+Laughter+Williams(2006)

1.2.1. Areas: - access control, firewalls - intrusion detection systems, - SCADA protocol analyses, - Firewalls cryptography and key management, - device and operating system security

2. Malware

2.1. Too wide. - Definitely I have explored too many areas to do research within.

3. Immune Systems

3.1. Artificial Immune Systems

3.1.1. AIS Architecture for Computer Security in a Distributed, Decentralised and Heterogeneous Networked Environment

4. Self-Healing Systems