Girl Site

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Girl Site par Mind Map: Girl Site

1. Marketing Ideas

1.1. Pintrest

2. Events/Women Clinics

2.1. Links to other sites with descriptions or calendar -- the latter much harder to keep updated, tho higher value (everything is a time/energy balance!!!). Intuition: calendar not a high priority now, could expand on later once people come to the site. Links Great for now.

2.1.1. Girls with Nuts

2.1.2. Chicks with Picks

2.1.3. Outdoor Divas (founder just won OWIC award for being a women pioneer)

3. Food/Recipes

4. Notes About The Site

4.1. Super FUN, EXCITING, FRIENDLY, energy

4.2. Community feel

4.3. Encourage participation / be a safe place to participate

4.4. Picture Heavy

4.5. Vast Majority of Content written by women

4.6. Collaborative model, let this part of the site grow with members ideas / inspiration / direction.

4.6.1. Give others access to write their own posts/content

4.6.2. Encourage Ownership of parts of the site by others (example: let somebody SUPER excited about food head up the food section, let somebody super excited about teaching lead the events section)

4.7. Tons of recognition with fun/silly titles

5. reposted with girl-specific content

5.1. gear marking post highlights ways for girls to personalize/make girly markings

6. Example Website Start


7. Guest Authors

7.1. Esther Stokes, Owner of Utah Ski Gear (met at Winter OR 2013).

7.2. Mad Rock Lady, getting Masters in journalism (or english), wants to write history of American climbing. Met Winter OR 2013

7.3. Sheldon Kerr, Mountain Guide, writes a bit, wants to do more (has written reviews for Alpinest and articles for OR), Super nice energetic lady met at Winter OR 2013). Gave her a shirt, she might be able to send photo wearing it.

7.3.1. emailed

7.4. Christina Brewer, Assistant Store Manager HyperSpud Sports in Idaho, said she'd LOVE to be involved with Lady-Centric-Climbing stuff, email or call anytime ([email protected] , 208-883-1150) met at Winter OR 2013

7.4.1. emailed

7.5. Mary Horton, Lina, Lana, Meredith, Rose, Evelyn, Leigh, Charlene, Krista, Carlee

7.6. Nasa Koski, I know her a bit through Search and Rescue (I know her boyfriend Brian more), but she's taken KAF and AAI guided classes free, in trade for vidoes/website/social media/photography work

8. Reviews (cross-post to product pages)

8.1. Petzl Luna

8.2. CAMP Supernova

8.3. Petzl Elia Helmet

9. Interviews

9.1. Sara (RockClimberGirl)

9.2. Anybody from

9.2.1. I like Mary and Morgon most

9.3. Betty from

9.4. Girl Guides

9.4.1. ex: AAI

9.5. Melissa Strong

9.6. Audrey Sniezek

9.7. Abbey Smith

9.8. Larissa Trevett (super fun girl, leads trad .10's), taught me some climbing

10. How To's (cross-post to product pages)

10.1. Hairstyles to wear under a helmet

10.2. Dressing in layers