What makes a good story?

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What makes a good story? par Mind Map: What makes a good story?

1. It should have good characters with deep meanings.

2. It has to be a good story.

3. It should build up to a big climax.

4. It has to have a good ending.

5. It is describing.

6. A good story is a good story.

7. The start has to be engaging.

8. Don't judge a book by its cover.

9. Having a problem to solve.

10. It needs a start, problem, solution and conclusion.

11. A story can be exiting to increase the intrest among the audience so that they are hooked into the story and creates a well structured sotry base and the reader understands whats going on.

12. It has to appeal to a big audience

13. Have exciting bits and interesting parts to make it not boring.

14. Suspense.

15. Maybe have character have back story if the problem that they are having are about their past.

16. There could to be something big or important that characters might face or deal with in the future

17. If it doesn't follow a strict basis it is more interesting most times.

18. Well described charecters

19. A story thats good.

20. Having a lot of plan that could be good for a story

21. A story has to hook the reader.

22. Sometime have good ending but not alway have one, maybe a different type of ending.

23. Having a good ending.

24. big mafia boss millionaire boyfriend who licks his lips at meat

25. It has to be different.

26. It needs to be enticing.

27. stop deleting it