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SSH/C2J par Mind Map: SSH/C2J

1. Parked

1.1. Silly feature 1

1.2. Silly feature 2

2. Backlog

2.1. Get to this soon

2.2. Get to this later

3. Q1

3.1. District Reporting Feature

3.2. Lesson Plan Sharing

3.3. Close Captioning ability in asset player

3.4. Apply Design changes to messages widget

3.5. Texas ConnectED Banners

3.6. State Std Search Enhancement (sets default to teacher's profile/state)

4. Q2

4.1. Apply design changes to the Networks "tablet" device in the narrative interface

4.2. Update the XML controller in CMS and Networks to reflect change to tagging to support vLesson.

4.3. Update the XML controller in CMS and Networks to reflect change to tagging to support vLesson.

4.4. Coming feature 2