1. Livre
1.1. Mind Maps in medecine
1.2. Mind maps in pathology
1.3. 99 cartes mentales pour apprendre la psychiatrie
1.4. .
1.5. .
1.5.1. .
1.6. .
1.7. Jose Guerrero
1.8. livres médecine
1.9. Mind maps in Surgery
2. publications
2.1. A Community-Engaged Approach to Reducing Barriers to Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening: The Use of Mapping Tools
2.2. A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words: The Case for GraphicRepresentations
2.3. Applications of mind mapping
2.3.1. Application of Mind Mapping in the Teaching of Specialized Courses in Medical Colleges
2.3.2. Application of Mind Map in Teaching and Learning of Medical Immunology
2.3.3. Applications of the Mind Map Learning Technique in Chiropractic Education
2.3.4. New Applications of Mind Mapping in Medicine
2.3.5. Application of mind mapping in clinical teaching ward rounds for standardized training of otorhinolaryngology residents
2.3.6. of symptom-based mind mapping combined with PBL teaching method in emergency trauma standardized resident training in MDT model
2.3.7. technique in the teaching of neonatal diseases for eight-year program undergraduates
2.3.8. Application of Mind Mapping in Nursing Care of Neurology Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic
2.4. Cartes cognitives / de connaissances / conceptuelle
2.4.1. carte cognitives : utilisation en soins infirmiers
2.4.2. cartes cognitives : quelles utilisations en soins infirmiers ?
2.4.3. La carte de connaissances pour favoriser les liens théorie/pratique dans un cours du baccalauréat en kinésiologie
2.4.4. Concept mapping / carte conceptuelle Concept Mapping as an AlternativeApproach for the Analysis of Open-Ended Survey Responses Concept Mapping: A CRITICAL-THINKING APPROACH TO CARE PLANNING cartes conceptuelles dans les formations en santé Carte conceptuelle en séance collective d’éducation thérapeutique du patient cartes conceptuelles dans les formations en santé use of concept maps in the therapeutic patient education field: preliminary study with an analysis of the litterature
2.5. Clinical study on flipped classroom and mind map in newly recruited nurses’ pre‑job training
2.6. Comparison of mind mapping and didactic instructional method in learningneuroanatomy for first MBBS students
2.7. Construction of Histology and Embryology Teaching System and Experimental Teaching Based on Mind Map
2.8. Development of a Mind Map-based Predictive Nursing Protocol and its Impact on the Clarity of Images in Patients Undergoing High-concentration Contrast Three-dimensional Computed Tomography Imaging of Liver Blood Vessels
2.9. distance between the humanities and medicine: building a critical thinking mindset by interdisciplinary dialogue through mind mapping
2.10. Does the mind map learning strategy facilitate information retrieval and critical thinking in medical students
2.11. Effect of
2.11.1. Narrative Nursing Combined with Thinking Map Health Eduation on Parturient Self-Efficacy and Neonatal Nursing Ability
2.11.2. Multidisciplinary Team Collaborative Nursing Model Combined with Mind Mapping Teaching Method on Postoperative Complications and Mental Health of Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
2.11.3. Mind Mapping Combined with Microvideo Explanation on Disease Perception Control and Nursing Cooperation during Membrane Induction Therapy in Patients with Infectious Nonunion after Tibial Trauma
2.11.4. Using Mind Mapping Learning Technique among Undergraduate Nursing Students
2.11.5. Mind Mapping on Cognitive Achievement and Critical Thinking skills of Nursing Students
2.11.6. Using Electronic Mind Maps as a Teaching Strategy on Academic vitality, Self-Efficacy, and Achievement among Nursing Students
2.11.7. Reflective Clinical Learning with Mind Map on Critical Thinking Students at the Nursing Profession Program in Yogyakarta
2.11.8. pain-education nursing based on a mind map on postoperative pain score and quality of life in patients with colorectal cancer
2.11.9. pain-education nursing based on a mind map on postoperative pain score and quality of life in patients with colorectal cancer
2.11.10. pain-free nursing care plus mind mapping on postoperative pain and urinary incontinence in patients after transurethral prostate resection
2.11.11. groupe guidance with the mind mapping method on increasing the knowledge of fertile age couples in efforts to prevent stunting
2.11.12. a Mind Map–Based Life Review Program on Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms on Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
2.11.13. a Mind Map–Based Life Review Program on Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms on Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy
2.12. Effectiveness of
2.12.1. Effectiveness of mind mapping technique in information retrieval among medical college students in Puducherry-A pilot study
2.12.2. Effectiveness of Using Concept Mapping to Improve Primary Medical Care Nursing Competencies among Fourth Year Assumption University Nursing Students
2.12.3. of MM regarding the knowledge of maternal complication among ANC Mothers
2.12.4. of Mind Mapping Strategy on Nurses' Knowledge and Practice regarding Infection Control Measures in Operating Room
2.12.5. of Mind Map as a Teaching Tool for Medical Students
2.12.6. mind maps as a learning tool for medical students.
2.12.7. Mind Mapping as a Learning Tool among Dental Students
2.13. Elaboration d’une carte conceptuelle en éducation thérapeutique avec un groupe de patients diabétiques : intérêts pédagogiques
2.14. Enhanced readiness for hospital discharge following the implemetation of a video version of a mind mapping health education strategy
2.14.1. prostate
2.15. Exploration and Practice of the Integrated Teaching Method of Mind Mapping in the Standardized Training of New Pharmacists
2.16. Etude descriptive de l’utilisation des cartes conceptuelles comme stratégie pédagogique en sciences de la santé
2.17. evaluation and acceptability of concept maps as a learning tool in medical studies
2.18. Framing Experience: Concept Maps, Mind Maps, and Data Collection in Qualitative Research
2.19. Health mind mapping has the potential to facilitate patient engagement in self-management of long-term conditions
2.20. m
2.20.1. Highlighting emotions through concept mapping: an exploratory study of adolescent patients
2.21. Impact of Mind Mapping-Based Health Promotion on Adolescents' Self-Awareness of Smoking Cessation
2.22. Implementing mind mapping in small-group learning to promote student engagement in the medical diagnostic curriculum: a pilot study
2.23. impact of a web-based mind map learning technique on students’ nursing knowledge of the nursing process
2.24. influence of nursing model based on mind map on the psychological status and prognosis of patients undergoing thoracoscopic laparoscopic esophageal cancer resection
2.25. Influence of Metacognitive Strategies on the Improvement of Reaction Inhibition Processes in Children with ADHD
2.25.1. TDAH
2.26. mind mapping/ mind map
2.26.1. Mind-mapping for lung cancer: Towards a personalized therapeutics approach
2.26.2. mind mapping in clinical social work
2.26.3. Mind Maps: Useful Schematic ToolFor Organizing And Integrating ConceptsOf Complex Patient Care In The Clinic And Classroom
2.26.4. a learning strategy !! Among dental students a comparative study
2.26.5. as a learning tool in anatomy
2.26.6. as a New Strategy to Improve Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Learning for Medical Interns
2.26.7. Mind Maps as a New Teaching Strategy for Medical Students
2.26.8. Mind Maps: Useful Schematic Tool For Organizing And Integrating ConceptsOf Complex Patient CareIn The Clinic And Classroom
2.26.9. Mind Maps: An Aid to Effective Formulation
2.26.10. Mapping meaningful symptoms and impacts of early Parkinson's disease to digital outcome measures
2.26.11. as a Novel Method in Teaching the Morphology of Skin Lesions: A Quasi-Experimental Study
2.26.12. Mapping training: the transfer of a cognitive technology for improving counseling
2.26.13. Technological and architectural solutions for Dutch nursing homes: Results of a multidisciplinary mind mapping session with professional stakeholders
2.26.14. Useful Schematic Tool For Organizing And Integrating Concepts Of Complex Patient Care In The Clinic And Classroom
2.26.15. Mind maps: Enhancing midwifery education
2.26.16. Mind-mapping for lung cancer: Towards a personalized therapeutics approach
2.26.17. Mind mapping in recalling and retrieving core contents in anesthesia technology students
2.26.18. Mind-Mapping: Exploring Intraindividual Experiences Across Injury Rehabilitation
2.26.19. mind mapping techniques for rapid qualitative data analysis in public participation processes
2.26.20. Mind Mapping teaching strategy in medical education in Sudan .
2.27. New Applications of Mind Mapping in Medicine
2.28. Nursing intervention using a whole-process escort playing a relative role combined with mind mapping in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery: a randomized trial
2.29. Représentationvisuelle de la pensée appliquée à l’élaboration d’un projet de recherche : utilisation d’une carte heuristique (en pharmacie)
2.30. Nursing Students’ Perception about Mind Mapping as an Innovative Learning Approach and its Relation to Teaching Effectiveness
2.31. Observation on the Clinical Efficacy of Mind Map-based Medication Guidance in the Treatment of HP with Quadruple Therapy
2.32. Patient education in rheumatoid arthritis: the effectivenessof the ARC booklet and the mind map
2.33. Reflective thinking and mind mapping on problem-solving skills of nursing students
2.34. Relationship Between the Mind Map LearningStrategy and Crtitical Thinking in Medical Students
2.35. Use / Using
2.35.1. use of mind maps as support in medical education Mind Mapping in Standardized Treatment for Venomous Snake Bites Les interventions basées sur la cartographie mentale peuvent aider à améliorer l'effet du traitement, à réduire la réponse au stress psychologique et à améliorer la qualité de vie des patients atteints de morsures de serpent venimeux of Mind-Mapping Technique to Improve Nursing Student's Writing Skill at Stikes RS Baptis Kediri of concept maps in the therapeutic patient education field: preliminary study with an analysis of the litterature of concept maps in the therapeutic patient education field: preliminary study with an analysis of the litterature of mind mapping in health education in extended care for children with caries
2.35.2. using Concept Maps to Create Meaningful Learning in Medical Education Mind Mapping in Family Meetings to Support Shared Decision Making with Pediatric and Geriatric Patients
2.36. New Applications of Mind Mapping in Medicine
2.37. Nursing effect in application of mental mapping health education in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy during perioperative period
2.38. Nursing intervention using a whole-process escort playing a relative role combined with mind mapping in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery: a randomized trial
2.39. Observation on the Clinical Efficacy of Mind Map-based Medication Guidance in the Treatment of HP with Quadruple Therapy
2.40. Pharmacie clinique et pédiatrie: une carte mentale
2.41. Prevalence of mind mapping as a teaching and learning strategy in physical therapy curricula
2.42. Retained mind mapping skills and learning outcomes in medical students: a mixed methods study
2.44. Self-Mapping in Counselling: Using Memetic Maps to Enhance Client Reflectivity and Therapeutic EfficacyLe self-mapping en counselling : utilisation de la cartographie mémétique pour améliorer la réflectivité du client et l’efficacité thérapeutique
2.45. Utilisation de la carte conceptuelle comme outil de diagnostic éducatif dans le cadre d’un programme d’éducation thérapeutique du patient infecté par le VIH
2.46. n
2.47. Utilisation de la carte conceptuelle en consultation médicale
2.48. Utilité de la carte conceptuelle dans le suivi éducatif de patients au sein d’un pôle de prév
2.49. Utilisation de la carte conceptuelle auprès de formateursen santé pour l’apprentissage de concepts pédagogiques
2.50. Understanding Digital Health Technologies Using Mind Maps
3. vidéo
3.1. cours sur l'hypertension en MM (anglais)
3.2. mind mapping à l'hopital
3.3. mind map as therapy
3.4. Le Mind Mapping au coeur de la Médecine du Travail
3.5. Mind mapping in medicine: Helping the doctors of tomorrow improve patient communication.
3.6. Mind Mapping teaching strategy in medical education in Sudan
3.7. uu
3.8. Emotion Mind Maps - Self Therapy Tool
4. illustrations
4.1. Smart Servier
5. A Cognitive Mind-map Framework to Foster Trust
6. carte crée par Optimind
6.1. articles de blog
7. témoignage
7.1. blog de Tristan, étudiant en médecine
8. blogs
8.1. Almostadoctor
8.2. Animus medical maps
8.3. carte mentale : enjeux d’une pratique réflexive auprès des documentalistes
8.4. Chantale Beaucher Révolution dans le traitement de la toxicomanie?
8.5. Dementia Care: Use Mind Mapping to Improve Quality of Life
8.5.1. Kindle
8.5.2. cartothèque
8.5.3. site du Dr Huba
8.6. imindmaps.blogspot.com
8.7. Madhero88
8.8. Medical Mind Maps
8.9. evaluer les compétence paramédicales Marc Nagel
8.9.1. partie 1
8.9.2. partie 2
8.10. Medicalmpas
8.11. Medical mind map sources - ICU mind maps
8.12. Medical maps
8.13. Medimaps
8.14. Meducation
8.15. Mind mapping for Haelth PPT
8.16. Medical profession's use of mind mapping
8.17. nutrition
8.18. Pablo Buitron De La Vega
8.18.1. Medical mind maps for USML1 Step1
8.18.2. Vidéo Biggerplate
8.19. rheumatologymindmap
8.20. University of Dundee
8.21. Wellington Intensive Care Unit
8.22. christine berthilier
8.23. Madhero88
8.24. zoomout-ph
8.24.1. vente de carte
8.25. medical profession and mind maps – the quiet ones
8.26. Medical profession's use of mind mapping
9. base de données de cartes
9.1. Cancer mind maps
9.1.1. aide pour généralistes