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1. Common uses

1.1. production

1.1.1. mining

1.1.2. grinding

1.1.3. transport

1.2. manufacture

1.2.1. asbestos cement

1.2.2. textiles

1.2.3. friction materials

1.3. application

1.3.1. automobile industry

2. What is it

2.1. Asbest is a group of fibrous metamorphic minerals

2.1.1. has excellent insulating properties

2.1.2. possesses mechanical, chemical properties

2.1.3. features heat and flame resistance

3. classification

3.1. streamers

3.1.1. curved fibers

3.2. amphiboles

3.2.1. straight fibers

4. Potential effects on human health

4.1. Asbestosis

4.1.1. diffuse pulmonary interstitial fibrosis

4.2. Malignant mesothelioma

4.2.1. malignant tumor of the mesothelium

4.3. Lung cancer

4.3.1. Asbestos levels in the air that lead to lung disease