Visual Signal Processing

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Visual Signal Processing par Mind Map: Visual Signal Processing

1. Path of input

1.1. Cornea

1.2. Pupil

1.3. Retina

1.4. Fovea

1.5. Photoreceptors

1.6. Bipolar cells

1.7. Ganglion cells

1.8. LGN

1.8.1. Lateral Geniculate Nucleus 6 Layers Left and right from dorsal thalamus

1.9. V1

1.9.1. Primary Visual Cortex Occipital lobe Brodmann's area

2. Processing

2.1. Ventral = What

2.2. Dorsal = Where

3. Vision field

3.1. Retinoscopy

3.1.1. Dense ganglion concentration in the middle Magnified field in the middle

3.1.2. Little lightpoint activates many cells

3.1.3. No actual image on the cortex