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Validity par Mind Map: Validity

1. Criterion-Related

1.1. Scores from a test are correlated with an external criterion, there are two types

1.1.1. Concurrent Giving a new test and established test to the students, then find the correlation between the two scores, relationship between scores will show validity This is important to learning and assessment because over time this can help teachers see if the test is better then the other while still measuring the same objectives. This could help learning because if you have a long lengthy test and you can minimize the lengths and ensure the objectives are still being covered you may have more success with scores.

1.1.2. Predictive Test predicts future behavior. This is importance learning and assessment because this can help guide teacher on how help there students grow as well as help students understand there strengths and weakness.

2. Content

2.1. The simplest way

2.2. review test questions to ensure they include valid question that relate to the objective taught.

2.2.1. This "looks" at validity

3. Construct

3.1. relationship of other information corresponds with a theory

3.1.1. This is important to learning and assessments because this process lets you see whether the results correspond to what you expected. this can help both teachers and students see where they need to grow as well as there strengths.