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Globalization par Mind Map: Globalization

1. New middle class

1.1. Great Collaberators and Orchestrators

1.1.1. marketing and management jobs in sales area

1.2. Great Synthesizers

1.2.1. New ideas to help solve problems on global scale

1.3. The Great Explainers

1.3.1. journalists reporters teachers professers editors all to help explain globalization and the flat world

1.4. The Great Leveragers

1.4.1. poepl with ability to leverage technology and create differing softwares that work together, for example PC and Mac

1.5. The Green People

1.5.1. devoted to energy and enviromental issues

1.6. The Passionate Personalizers

1.6.1. add a person touch to there job an make it more suitable or comfortable for themselves

1.7. Localizers

1.7.1. Local businesses are able to take advantage of new technologies and use them to help themselves grow in an increasingly flat world

1.8. The Great Adapters

1.8.1. use skills an talents to adapt to changes in the flat world

2. Unflat World

2.1. Too sick

2.1.1. Countries have to many sick people an not enough doctors to cure all. countries not developed enough

2.2. too poor

2.2.1. countries dont have enough money to develop really bad enviroment

2.3. too frustrated

2.3.1. Many countries cant stand us

2.4. too many toyotas

2.4.1. some countries dont have enough resources to develop all the way

2.5. too disempowered

2.5.1. Countries dont have a chance to step in to the flat world because they dont have the tools an things they need to

3. Skills

3.1. Learn how to lean

3.1.1. Children need to learn how to learn with this flat world they are coming in to

3.2. CQ + PQ > IQ

3.2.1. Curiosity and passion outclasses Iq in recent days

3.3. Plays well with others

3.3.1. new middle class jobs involve interacting with all sorts of people so you have to learn how to get along even with people

3.4. Right Brain

3.4.1. The ability to create and combine new ideas right side of brain is creative side