Solutions ICT infrastructure

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Solutions ICT infrastructure par Mind Map: Solutions ICT infrastructure

1. Sales, customer support and tracking

1.1. Sales Cloud by Salesforce

1.2. Functionality: Customer relationship management and sales organization

1.3. Advantages: Social accounts, e-mail integration, marketing and leads

2. Telecommunication cost

2.1. Skype by Skype Technologies (Microsoft)

2.2. Functionality: Voice over IP service

2.3. Advantages: Free calls, video calls and instant messaging via internet

3. Sales mobility

3.1. Sales Cloud by Salesforce

3.2. Functionality: Customer relationship management and sales organization

3.3. Advantages: Social accounts, e-mail integration, marketing and leads

4. Training

4.1. LyndaPro by Lynda

4.2. Functionality: Multi-user accounts to efficiently train a specific group within your organization

4.3. Advantages: Comprehensive reporting and usage tracking, unlimited access to entire library of 1,896 courses, anytime, anywhere learning on most mobile devices

5. Mail and instant messaging

5.1. Kerio Connect by Kerio

5.2. Functionality: Business-class email, instant messaging, shared calendars, and contact management

5.3. Advantages: Integrated anti-virus, powerful anti-spam, built-in archiving, automated backup and an easy Web Administration interface. Deployment options for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, VMware and Parallels, and public and private cloud hosted options

6. Collaboration and documents

6.1. Google Drive by Google

6.2. Functionality: Cloud storage, file sharing and collaborative editing

6.3. Advantages: Send large files, has its own mobile application, has a built-in search engine, free

7. Backup

7.1. CrashPlanPro by CrashPlan

7.2. Functionality: Onsite and offsite backup with secure cloud storage

7.3. Advantages: Intuitive desktop application, automatic, continuous backup, on-the-go secure file access, custom versioning & backup sets, online management console