The Ultimate Guide to A/B Testing

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The Ultimate Guide to A/B Testing par Mind Map: The Ultimate Guide to A/B Testing

1. Create a A/B Testing

1.1. 1) set a goal

1.2. 2) Select a tool

1.2.1. Basic tool(HTML & JavaScript): Google Website Optimizer

1.2.2. Advance tool: Visual Website Optimizer

1.3. 3)Setup

1.3.1. First Method Replace the element to be tested before the page loads Create a variation of the similar button function (Eg: Sign up button)

1.3.2. Second Method Redirect to another page Create and upload two different page on the website

1.4. 4)set up conversion goal

1.4.1. get a piece of JavaScript code, which you would copy and paste onto a page that would represent a successful test were a visitor to arrive there

1.5. 5) Record will be taken down

2. Do's & Don'ts

2.1. Do's

2.1.1. Knoq how long to run a test before giving up

2.1.2. Show repeat visitors the same variations

2.1.3. Make your A/B test consistent across the whole website

2.1.4. Do many A/B tetes

2.2. Don'ts

2.2.1. Don't test two versions separately, test it together. The data will not be accurate.

2.2.2. Don't conclude our test too early

2.2.3. Don't surprise regular visitors

2.2.4. Don't let your gut feeling overrule test results

3. Classic A/b testing case studies

3.1. Writing decision: headline tests on the high rise sign-up page

3.2. "you should follow me on twitter'

3.3. Human photos double conversion rates

3.4. Google Website Optimizer Case Study: Daily Burn, 20%+ Improvement

3.5. Two Magical Words Increased Conversion Rate by 28%

3.6. Changing the Sign-Up Button from Green to Red

3.7. Single page vs. multi-step checkout

3.8. "Mad Libs" style form increases conversion 25-40%

3.9. Complete redesign of product page increased sales by 20%

4. Purpose

4.1. Gain Insights to Visitor's behavior

4.2. Increase Conversion Rate

5. Tool for A/B testing

5.1. Google Website Optimizer

5.2. A/Bingo and Vanity

5.3. Visual Website Optimizer

5.4. Unbounce and Performable

5.5. Vertster, SiteSpect, Webtrends Optimize and Omniture’s Test&Target

6. What is A/B Testing?

6.1. having two similar element and compare it

6.1.1. A=exiting design(control B=new design

6.1.2. Compare the performance base on Conversion rate Sales Bounces rate etc

6.1.3. select the best performance

7. What to test?

7.1. Depend on what our goals

7.1.1. For examaple, goal to increase the number of sign-ups Test the following Length of the sign-up form Type of fields in the form Display of privacy policy "Social Proof"

7.1.2. goals of A/B Testing Ans: what prevents visitors from signing up? How?