Successful CCSS Implementation

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Successful CCSS Implementation par Mind Map: Successful CCSS Implementation

1. Tools for Publishing

1.1. Book Creator (iPad App)

1.2. Sock puppets

1.3. My Story

1.4. StripDesigner (iPad App)

1.5. ibook

2. Tools for collaborating

2.1. Edmodo

2.2. Powtoon

2.3. Videomaking in the curriculum

3. Edmodo

4. Padlet

5. Weebly

6. Glogster

7. Voicethread

8. Haiku Deck

9. Wikis

10. Big huge labs

11. Tools to Support Integration

12. Rubric

12.1. Rubistar

13. Schoology

14. Goobric

15. Prezi

16. Educreations