Temi e simboli The Animal Farm

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Temi e simboli The Animal Farm par Mind Map: Temi e simboli The Animal Farm

1. The corruption: the pigs corrupt the ideals of animalism for manteine their own leadership in order to have all the power (power of decisions, power to do what they want when they want,,,,,)

2. the exploitation: the pigs destroy the books in order to pose a barrer to others animals in the factory, because the culture and the books have the power to give the freedom of thinking and could be dangerous.The dogs are utilized by the pigs to terrorize the other animals and make sure that they should work hardly and no complain

3. the deception: the pigs create a false history and destorce the reality, for maintain their power and utilize the words at their own advantage

4. Il mulino = ideale di lavoro libero, che crea l'energia per far lavorare meno gli animali.

4.1. Windmill Snowball introduces the plan for the windmill, for reach a better standard of living for all animals, who will benefit from the electricity the windmill will generate. The hard work made by animals to build and re-build the windmill (that is destroyed) represent the unsuccesfullness of their committment to improve

5. Il latte e le mele The milk and apples: the pigs meat this kind of food, that represent riches and wealth, and a privilege. The pigs will claim at the other animals' expense.

6. i personaggi storici Mr John = zar, Napoleone = Stalin, Snowball = Troszki, il vecchio maiale = Lenin