1. Daphne was an independent hunter who wanted nothing more than to roam the woods and to hunt.

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1. Daphne was an independent hunter who wanted nothing more than to roam the woods and to hunt. par Mind Map: 1. Daphne was an independent hunter who wanted nothing more than to roam the woods and to hunt.

1. 3.) Apollo caught a glimpse of Daphne while she was in the woods, and he fell in love with her instantly.

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2. 2.) Daphne's father, Peneus, wanted her to get married and have children, but Daphne did not have mutual feelings about his expectations.

3. 6.) The laurel tree (Daphne) became very sacred to Apollo.

4. 4.) Daphne did not feel the same way as Apollo had felt for her. Apollo could not help his attraction to her to he started running after Daphne shouting, "Do not be afraid. I love you!" Daphne kept running away from Apollo.

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5. 5.) Daphne had cried for help to her father. Peneus turned Daphne into a laurel tree.

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