Business IT Basics

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Business IT Basics par Mind Map: Business IT Basics

1. Create

1.1. Documents

1.1.1. Desktop Publishing

1.1.2. Cad

1.1.3. Word Processing

1.1.4. Spreadsheets

2. Process

2.1. Spreadsheets

2.2. Applications like QB or Mass 11

2.3. Databases

3. Communicate

3.1. Publishing Documents

3.1.1. Reports

3.1.2. Power Point

3.1.3. Drawings

3.1.4. Brochures

3.1.5. Web sites

3.2. Email

3.3. Phone

3.3.1. Voice Mail

3.3.2. IP PHones

3.3.3. Standard PBX

3.3.4. Mobile Phones (Cell)

3.4. Fax

3.4.1. Standard

3.4.2. Efax

4. find

4.1. our own stuff like docs and spreadsheets and emails

4.2. Use the internet to find stuff

4.2.1. Driving directions

4.2.2. Phone numbers

4.2.3. News

4.2.4. Procurement online

5. Store

5.1. In Applications

5.2. on file servers

5.3. On Removable media

5.4. On local HDs