I Am Legend Outline 3/5 Prompt 10

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I Am Legend Outline 3/5 Prompt 10 par Mind Map: I Am Legend Outline 3/5 Prompt 10

1. The Dog Doesn't Show

1.1. The one day the dog does not come

1.2. Rob tries to find it's home

1.3. The dog eventually comes back, sick

1.4. Rob takes the dog inside

1.5. He comforts it and becomes close to it

1.6. The dog dies

2. Rob's Investigation

2.1. He tries to investigate the plague

2.2. He researches blood

2.3. He buys a microscope and gets some blood samples

2.4. He learns there is a germ on the vampires blood cells

2.5. He tries to kill the germ with what he knows

3. His Failure

3.1. He fails to kill the germ

3.2. He gets very upset

3.3. He starts drinking again

4. The Dog

4.1. One day he sees a dog

4.2. He tries to find the dog's home

4.3. He leaves food for the dog

4.4. He slowly gets closer to the dog