Learning Theories

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Learning Theories par Mind Map: Learning Theories

1. Sources

1.1. Connectivism.ca (n.d.). About — Connectivism. [online] Retrieved from: http://www.connectivism.ca/about.html [Accessed: 26 Jul 2013].

1.2. Exploratorium.edu (1991). Constructivist Learning Theory | Exploratorium. [online] Retrieved from: http://www.exploratorium.edu/ifi/resources/constructivistlearning.html [Accessed: 26 Jul 2013].

1.3. Dwb4.unl.edu (1998). Cognitive Load Theory & Instructional Design at UNSW. [online] Retrieved from: http://dwb4.unl.edu/Diss/Cooper/UNSW.htm [Accessed: 26 Jul 2013].

1.4. Im404504.wikidot.com (2011). Cognitive Load Theory - Learning and ID. [online] Retrieved from: http://im404504.wikidot.com/cognitive-learning-theory [Accessed: 26 Jul 2013].

1.5. Media-ecology.org (1999). What is Media Ecology?. [online] Retrieved from: http://www.media-ecology.org/media_ecology/ [Accessed: 26 Jul 2013].

1.6. En.wikipedia.org (2009). Social construction of technology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [online] Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_construction_of_technology [Accessed: 26 Jul 2013].

2. Cognitive Mode

2.1. Basic Principles

2.1.1. Our long term memory with the skills we know and the knowledge we have is stored in our conscience

2.1.2. Essentially we know more than we even think we do. There are certain things that we know how to do without even thinking about.

2.1.3. What we learn and how we learn it is based a lot on what we already know

2.1.4. Chunking Organization of information in specific groupings helps the learner remember the information

2.1.5. Repetition, Repetition, Repetition Going over and over information allows the learner to remember it when it is isolated from other information

2.1.6. Information Landscapes Organized "design principles" Make things more visually appealing and students will be able to focus more

2.2. Implications for Education

2.2.1. Make connections for the students and build upon material that has already been taught

2.2.2. Make more appealing less texty power points and presentations

2.2.3. Drill it in the minds of the students. Ensure that they hear the important information as much as possible

3. Media Ecology

3.1. Basic Principles

3.1.1. "It is the study of media environments, the idea that technology and techniques, modes of information and codes of communication play a leading role in human affairs."- MedIa Ecology Association

3.1.2. Look at the role media plays in the lives of everyone and how it what is forces us to do in our lives.

3.1.3. The role that media plays on how we will adapt to the world

3.2. Implications for Education

3.2.1. As educators in the 21st century and with the amount of technology, we need to be aware of the demand that technology is playing in education.

3.2.2. Need to include technology into our plans so we can "adapt" and "survive" in the new wave of education

3.2.3. So much information is online and to ensure we are doing our jobs to the best of our abilities we need to use all that we are offered


4.1. Basic Principles

4.1.1. "Human actions shape technology"- Wikipedia

4.1.2. How a technology is used/ perceived is all based on the global world

4.1.3. Used when determining a technologies problems and successes

4.2. Implications for Education

4.2.1. With technology becoming such a large part of how we teach and learn, we are the people who will determine a success or failure of a device

4.2.2. Able to try out new things and show their validity to education

4.2.3. We can improve the way in which the technological world works

4.2.4. The more we implement technology into our teachings the more technology that will be created

5. Connectivism

5.1. Basic Principles

5.1.1. Learning in many different ways. Through email, courses

5.1.2. Making connections is key to learning

5.1.3. Learning in a community sense. We all contribute and through this we can learn more.

5.1.4. Learning is all about connecting different forms of knowledge

5.2. Implications for Education

5.2.1. Learning is more of a world wide goal and process now

5.2.2. Students are encouraged to look into information on the internet and learn through other peoples work

5.2.3. Education in a digital age. Focus of education is on a global world. Closer than ever before.

5.2.4. Better for the teachers who can collaborate with so many others and for students who benefit from the collaboration.

6. Constructivism

6.1. Basic Principles

6.1.1. The student is gaining the knowledge based on what they know from before.

6.1.2. Real World learning. Gain knowledge from actively participating in the way our brain perceives it.

6.1.3. Learning new things based on the relationships that are previously in place.

6.1.4. "Learn to learn as they learn" - Constructivist Learning Theory website

6.2. Implications for Education

6.2.1. Focus on students doing hands on things Projects Experiments

6.2.2. Giving students the materials to learn but allowing them to gain a fuller understanding through their own reaction.

6.2.3. Need to focus more on allowing the students to be more activly participating in learning More work in planning More work in marking