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Parenting par Mind Map: Parenting

1. Overprotective Parents

1.1. Relationship

1.1.1. close or distant?

1.2. Behavior

1.2.1. rebellious or obedient?

1.3. Possible effects?

1.3.1. Stress & anxiety

1.3.2. Too sheletered, not ready for real world

1.3.3. Less independent

2. Compare & Contrast

3. Citation Style?

3.1. MLA

3.1.1. Usually used for Humanities like history, philosophy, etc. Let's stick to MLA. Our research isn't going to be strictly social sciences and will include various types of sources so we'll use MLA since we're both more familiar with it and it seems to be a broader, more popular citation style

3.2. APA

3.2.1. Usually used for Social Sciences like psychology, etc.

4. What would be the effect of an opposite kind of parent-child relationship?

5. Original Topics

5.1. Hannah: Effects of love on the brain/mind

5.1.1. possibly too repetitive

5.1.2. not enough viewpoints to analyze

5.2. Jake: Overprotective parents hurting their children's growth

6. Less Protective Parents

6.1. Relationship

6.1.1. close or distant?

6.2. Behavior

6.2.1. rebellious or obedient?

6.3. Possible effects?

6.3.1. teen pregnancy

6.3.2. too wild, breaks laws

6.3.3. poor school performance