Renovation site

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Renovation site par Mind Map: Renovation site

1. Homepage

2. About Us

2.1. Awards

2.2. Our brands

2.3. FAQ

2.4. Media

2.5. Suppliers

2.6. Our clients

3. Bathroom Renovations

3.1. Bathroom Renovations Sydney

3.2. Bathroom Renovations Melbourne

3.3. Bathroom Renovations Canberra

3.4. Bathroom Renovations Brisbane

3.5. Bathroom Renovations Perth

4. Gallery

5. Get a free quote

5.1. Testimonials

6. Contact us

6.1. Showrooms

6.2. Locations

7. Kitchen Renovations

8. Our Process

8.1. Overview

8.2. Design

8.3. Installation

9. Renovation ideas

9.1. This would be the blog

10. Renovations page

10.1. Our Process

10.2. Our Designs

10.3. Testimonials