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Walton par Mind Map: Walton

1. Goal

1.1. To reach the North Pole

1.1.1. Find a ship to sail on

1.1.2. Find a crew to sail with

2. Wants

2.1. A friend

2.1.1. Compasionate

2.1.2. Listens and talks

2.1.3. A romantic

2.1.4. Intellectual

3. Family

3.1. Has a sister who is married

3.2. He is not married, has no kids

4. Likes Victor

4.1. He is mysterious

4.2. Likes to talk and listen to Walton

4.3. Has an interesting story to tell

5. Education

5.1. Wasn't well educated when he was younger

5.2. Seems to talk with sophisticated language