Test Evaluation

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Test Evaluation par Mind Map: Test Evaluation

1. Reliability

1.1. Test-Retest

1.1.1. correlation between test scores of a test given twice

1.2. Alternate Forms or Equivalence

1.2.1. correlation between two equivalent forms of a test

1.3. Internal Consistency

1.3.1. items should be correlated to each other

1.4. Importance

1.4.1. Ensures that a test is reliable by yielding stable test scores after test is given repeatedly.

2. Tests should have evidence of validity, reliability, and accuracy

3. Validity Evidence

3.1. A test has validity evidence when it...

3.1.1. is valid for the intended purpose

3.1.2. measures what it's supposed to

3.1.3. does it's job

3.2. Types of Validity Evidence

3.2.1. Content Validity Evidence Do the test questions match the instructional objectives?

3.2.2. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence 1. Concurrent Criterion-Related how well does performance on new test match previous test? 2. Predictive how well test predicts future performance

3.2.3. Construct relationship to other information corresponds well with a theory

3.3. Importance

3.3.1. Ensures that a test measures what was taught