Accelerated Decision Making

Accelerated decision making will help you arrive at decisions faster by defining result oriented objectives, choosing the most effective tactics, assigning the right metrics for success, taking calculated risk, and have the right people in place doing the right things.

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Accelerated Decision Making par Mind Map: Accelerated Decision Making

1. Objectives

1.1. Outcome oriented

1.2. Specific

1.3. Measurable

2. Tactics

2.1. Best practices

2.2. Metrics

2.3. Profitable

3. Execution

3.1. Plan

3.2. Process

3.3. Innovation

4. Accountability

4.1. Project management

4.2. Recourse

4.3. Talent management

5. Risks

5.1. Cost of not doing

5.2. Political

5.3. Loss of time