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Nadia's Vet par Mind Map: Nadia's  Vet

1. bording for pets

1.1. Brush

1.2. Bathe

1.3. groom

1.4. Messaging

2. Types of animals allowed in Vet

2.1. Cats

2.2. Dogs

2.3. dolphins

2.4. Elephants

2.5. Tigers

2.6. Lions

2.7. Monkeys

2.8. Gorillas

2.9. Sharks

2.10. Insects

3. Locations

3.1. Asia

3.1.1. Thailand

3.1.2. Russia

3.1.3. japan

3.1.4. China

3.2. Europe

3.2.1. France

3.2.2. Slovakia

3.2.3. Sweden

3.2.4. Norway

3.2.5. Finland

3.2.6. Prortugal

4. Medines

4.1. Sickness

4.2. Enjections

4.3. Swollan bone

5. Possible names

5.1. pets haven

5.2. Pets shelter

5.3. The grooming store

5.4. They key to success vet

6. Gages

6.1. All sizes

6.2. All shapes

6.3. Aquariam