image resolution, pixel dimension, and document size in Photoshop

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image resolution, pixel dimension, and document size in Photoshop par Mind Map: image resolution, pixel dimension, and document size in Photoshop

1. pixel dimenstion

1.1. width and height of our image

1.2. "how many pixels are in our image from left to right, and how many pixels are in our image from top to bottom.

1.3. Photoshop says that photo has a width of 3456 pixels and height of 2304 pixels

1.3.1. in other words: it contains 3456 pixels from left to right and 2304 pixels from top to bottom.

1.3.2. to find exact pixels, multiply the width time the height, 3456 times 2304=7,962.624 pixels

1.4. 8MP camera

1.4.1. "mega pixel"

1.4.2. "mega" means "million" so 8PM means 8 million pixels when photo is taken photo will be made up of 8 million pixels 5PM=5 million pixes 4PM=4 million pixels

1.5. first part image size dialogue box: width and height of our image pixels

2. document size

2.1. second section of the image box

2.2. goes hand to hand with pixels but is completely separate

2.3. ex. 72 pixels out of our 3456 pixels from left to right in our photo (width), and 72 pixels out of our 2304 pixels from top to bottom in our photo (the height), will be printed for every one inch paper.

2.4. image resolution:how many of your image's pixels left to right and how many pixels top to bottom will print in every inch of paper

2.4.1. an in is a square which mean the number of pixels from left to right and top to bottom will always be the same

2.4.2. document size section only one number of resolution

2.4.3. that number represents both the left to right and to the top to bottom number

2.4.4. how many image pixels will print inside every inch of paper

2.5. size when image prints out?

2.5.1. 3456 divided by 72=48, 2304 divided by 72=32 print resolution of 72 pixels per in, photo will be 48 in wide and 32 in high.

2.6. may appear big in screen but doesn't mean it will come out like that when print

3. pixel size

3.1. another aspect of image resolution

3.2. size of an inch cant change the the size of pixel has to change

3.3. ex. 300 pixels into an inch, you would need pixels that are considerably smaller than if you only wanted to fit 72 pixels into an inch.

3.4. photo-shop takes care of re-sizing the size for us just worry using correct value for "pixels per inch"