Seasons of the Year Glog

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Seasons of the Year Glog par Mind Map: Seasons of the Year Glog

1. Online Resources

1.1. Seasons of the Year

1.2. Geography For Kids , The Study of Our Earth



2. Visual Resources



3. Design Theme

3.1. Seasons Theme background

3.2. Animated arrows

3.3. Text boxes

4. Content Standards

4.1. Grade 1 Concepts Quantitative measurements must be used to observe and document the warming and cooling of air, water or soil. The length of time an object or material (including water) is exposed to sunlight and its resulting temperature must be observed, as should the amount of time for the object or material to cool down after it is taken out of the sunlight. Appropriate tools and technology must be used to collect, compare and document data. Investigation and experimentation must be combined with explanation, questioning and discussion of the results and findings.

4.2. Topic: Sun, Energy and Weather This topic focuses on the sun as a source of energy and energy changes that occur to land, air and water. Content Statement The sun is the principal source of energy. Sunlight warms Earth’s land, air and water. The amount of exposure to sunlight affects the amount of warming or cooling of air, water and land.

5. File Attachments
