personal attributes valued by employers

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personal attributes valued by employers par Mind Map: personal attributes valued by employers

1. dependability

1.1. Dependability is about trusting someone to do a job and to do the job well. If the member of staff does the job well you could trust them to do another job. If you make a mistake in a job you could learn from it and perform better as the job goes on. When someone is being dependable they are relying on you to do the job. If you don’t do the job well the employer will not be happy with you.

2. Independent

2.1. Being independent is to work by your self and do things by your self. To be independent you would need to not get distracted by others around you because if you did you would not get the job done on time or at a good stanerard

3. Confidence

3.1. Confidence is being proud of your self and the work you are doing. Knowing what you are talking about will help your confidence.

4. Modulating your voice

4.1. Modulating your voice means that you have to change your pitch of your voice to fall and raise depending on how you want to get your point across. It is important to modulate your voice when giving presentations to get your point across to the audience.

5. Tolerance

5.1. Tolerance is when you get a punishment for doing some thing that is wrong. If you do something wrong you will get punished for the thing you have done wrong. Being Tolerant is listening to others. It is also having plenty of patience for other people.

6. Self motivation

6.1. Self motivation is to not be encouraged by others to do a job but is to do a job straight away by your self with out needing any one telling you to do the job. Having good self motivation is to determined to do A job and enjoy what you are doing.