Validity and Reliability

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Validity and Reliability par Mind Map: Validity and Reliability

1. I believe that validity and reliability serve an imperative part to the assessment and the learning that takes place in the classroom. For example, they are important in the creation of reliable assessment to produce a fair outcome for students learning. They serve the role of making the test items are truthful and without prejudice. As stated in the text validity and reliability when implement appropriately as part of the assessment they provide the teachers and educator accurate and functional information to share with parents and others team members.

2. Validity represent the evidence of it can be proven that it measures what it says it measures.

3. Content Validity Evidence – in the context of classroom testing, content validity evidence answers the question. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence – deals with measures that can be administered at the time as the measure to be validated. Predictive Validity Evidence – refers to how well the test predicts the some future behavior of the examinees. Construct Validity Evidence – relationship to other information corresponds well with the same theory.

4. Validity

5. Reliability represent the consistency with which it yields the same rank for individuals who take the test more than once which is the method of estimating it’s reliability.

6. Test-Rest or Stability – is a method of estimating reliability that is exactly what its name implies. Alternate Forms or Equivalence - these forms can be used to obtain an estimate of the reliability of the scores from the test. Internal Consistency – is designed to measure a single basic concept, it is reasonable to assume that people who get one item right will be more likely to get other, similar items right.

7. Reliability