Tableau (Dong-gyun Kim)

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Tableau (Dong-gyun Kim) par Mind Map: Tableau (Dong-gyun Kim)

1. Tableau License Edition

1.1. Tableau

1.2. Tableau Enterprise

1.3. Tableau+

1.3.1. Salesforce Data Cloud

1.3.2. Einstein Copilot for Tableau

1.3.3. Premier Success Plan

2. Tableau AI

2.1. Tableau Pulse

2.2. Einstein Copilot for Tableau

3. Data Connection

3.1. Files

3.2. Services

3.3. Public Cloud

3.4. Salesforce

3.4.1. Salesforce Core

3.4.2. Salesforce Data Cloud

3.5. DBMS

3.6. Tableau Server / Cloud

4. Common Usages Pattern

4.1. Data Preperation; Is there required data preperation for Analytics?

4.1.1. Yes (Creator) Tableau Prep (Prep builder, Server/Cloud) Data Connection

4.1.2. No (Creator or Explorer or Viewer) Tableau Core (Desktop, Server/Cloud) Visual Analytics; Is there required to explore data in other perspectives?

5. Data Cloud Selling Point of existing tableau customer's account

5.1. Tableau Prep Heavy User

5.1.1. Backgrounder process is heavily loaded due to a large number of flows reserved in tableau platform

5.1.2. Struggling to hyper few billion of data

5.2. Required Tableau+ license edition