Technology Frameworks

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Technology Frameworks par Mind Map: Technology Frameworks

1. PK - Pedagogical Knowlege

1.1. PK + TK = TPK (Technological Content Knowledge)

2. CK - Content Knowledge

2.1. CK + PK = PCK (Pedagogical Content Knowledge)


3.1. TPACK = Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

4. 21st Century Learning

4.1. Foundational Knowledge

4.1.1. Core Content

4.1.2. Digital and Information Literacy

4.1.3. Cross-Disciplinary

4.2. Meta Knowledge

4.2.1. Problem-solving and Critical Thinking

4.2.2. Communication and Collaboration

4.2.3. Creativity

4.3. Humanistic Knowledge

4.3.1. Life and job skills

4.3.2. Cultural Competence

4.3.3. Ethical and emotional awareness

5. TK - Technological Knowledge

5.1. TK + CK = TCK (Technological Content Knowledge)


6.1. S - Substitution

6.1.1. Direct tool substitution, no functional change

6.2. A - Augmentation

6.2.1. Direct tool substitution, functional improvement

6.3. M - Modification

6.3.1. Significant task redesign

6.4. R - Redefinition

6.4.1. Creation of new tasks, previously inconceivable

7. Philosophy of Teachnology

7.1. Similar to philosophy of teaching

7.2. What is your philosophy regarding the use of educational technology?

7.3. Examples in interactive lecture in eClass