American Revolution

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American Revolution par Mind Map: American Revolution

1. Patriots V.S. Americans

2. Other Taxes Imposed

2.1. Sugar Act

2.2. Currency Act

2.3. Declaratory Act

3. Effects of Revolution

3.1. Loyalist expatriation

3.1.1. Goal 1

3.1.2. Goal 2

3.2. Interpretations

3.2.1. Session Rule 1

3.2.2. Session Rule 2

3.3. Status of American women

4. Presidential Election of 1800

4.1. Thomas Jefferson

4.1.1. Democratic-Republican party

4.1.2. Won the election

4.1.3. 73 electoral votes

4.1.4. Made it known as the "Revolution of 1800"

4.2. John Adams

4.2.1. Federalist party

4.2.2. Lost the election

4.2.3. 65 electoral votes

5. Separation from Britain

5.1. Quartering Act

5.1.1. Colonists housed british soldiers

5.1.2. Colonists were mad

5.2. Stamp Act

5.3. Boston Tea Party

5.3.1. Colonists dressed as native americans & attacked British ship

5.3.2. Threw tea in harbor to show revolt against tea tax