New Year's Celebrating

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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New Year's Celebrating par Mind Map: New Year's Celebrating

1. Entertainment

1.1. Total expected cost

1.2. Tamada

1.2.1. Expected cost

1.3. Dj

1.3.1. Expected cost

1.4. Self preparing

1.4.1. People List

1.5. Nothing (like in restaurant)

2. Transport

2.1. Total expected cost

2.2. Own cars

2.3. Taxi

2.4. Public transport

3. Food&Drink

3.1. Buying

3.1.1. People List

3.1.2. Total expected cost

3.1.3. Drink Expected cost List

3.1.4. Food Expected cost List

3.2. Preparing

3.2.1. People List

4. People

4.1. List

4.1.1. Korop Artur

4.1.2. Sipailo Oleg

4.2. Expected money

4.3. Actual money

5. Places

5.1. Rent house out of city

5.2. Rent flat in city

5.3. Somebody own flat

5.4. Restaurant

5.5. Forest

5.6. dgdfs