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Energy par Mind Map: Energy

1. Thermal Energy

1.1. The total potential and kinetic energy related to the motion of all the microscopic particles in an object makes up.

2. Chemical Energy

2.1. Is the energy stored in chemical bonds.

2.2. Stored energy

3. Electrical Energy

3.1. Is the energy associated with electrical charges

3.1.1. Energy with a electrical charges

4. Nuclear Energy

4.1. The energy stored in atomic nuclei is know as nuclear energy.

4.1.1. some kind of energy that is stored in stuff is nuclear energy.

5. Kinetic Energy

5.1. Any moving object depends upon its mass and speed.

5.2. Any moving thing takes kinetic energy.

6. Potential Energy

6.1. Is an energy that is stored as a result of position or shape.

6.2. Energy that is stored because if something.

7. Mechanical Energy

7.1. Associated with the motion and position of every day objects.

7.2. Energy of every day things.

8. Electromagnetic Energy

8.1. Is a form of energy that travels through space in the form of waves.

8.1.1. It goes in waves in space.