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Goals par Mind Map: Goals

1. Matt's

1.1. Financial Security

1.2. Gourmand

1.2.1. Alcohol Wine Beer Cider Spirits

1.2.2. Pastry

1.2.3. Other Food

1.3. Technology Early Adopter

1.4. Photography

1.4.1. Landscape

1.4.2. Macro

1.5. Reading

1.5.1. Fiction

1.5.2. Non-Fiction

1.6. Music

1.6.1. Discovery

1.6.2. Concerts

1.6.3. Playing an Instrument?

1.7. Group Sports

1.7.1. Tennis

1.7.2. Soccer

1.7.3. Volleyball

1.8. Art

1.8.1. Calligraphy

1.8.2. Celtic Design

1.9. Movies

1.9.1. Independent

1.9.2. Mainstream

1.9.3. Television

1.10. Career

2. Shared

2.1. Multi-Linguism

2.1.1. French

2.1.2. Learn Spanish

2.2. Fitness

2.2.1. Body Fat

2.2.2. Cardio

2.2.3. Flexibility

2.2.4. Healthy Eating

2.3. Spend Time With Family

2.3.1. Immediate Family

2.3.2. Parents

2.3.3. Extended Family

2.4. Spend Time With Close Friends

2.5. Make Lyons our Dream Home

3. Julie's

3.1. Writing

3.1.1. Freelance Articles

3.1.2. Blogging

3.1.3. Web Design

3.2. Volunteer

3.2.1. Attachment Parenting

3.2.2. Delta Zeta

3.2.3. Master Gardener

3.3. Scrapbooking