JavaScript Frameworks

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JavaScript Frameworks par Mind Map: JavaScript Frameworks

1. JavaScript Design Patterns

1.1. Constructor Pattern Module Pattern Revealing Module Pattern Singleton Pattern Observer Pattern Mediator Pattern Prototype Pattern Command Pattern Facade Pattern Factory Pattern Mixin Pattern Decorator Pattern Flyweight Pattern

1.2. JavaScript MV* Patterns

1.2.1. MVC Pattern MVP Pattern MVVM Pattern

1.3. Modern Modular JavaScript Design Patterns

1.3.1. AMD CommonJS ES Harmony

1.4. Design Patterns In jQuery

1.4.1. Composite Pattern Adapter Pattern Facade Pattern Observer Pattern Iterator Pattern Lazy Initialization Pattern Proxy Pattern Builder Pattern

2. Tools

2.1. Yeoman

2.1.1. Yo

2.1.2. Gruntjs

2.1.3. Bower

3. JavaScript

3.1. jQuery

3.1.1. jQueryUI

3.1.2. qUnit

3.1.3. jQueryMobile

3.1.4. Sizzle

3.2. Node.js

3.2.1. NPM Jade Express Grunt

3.3. YUI

3.3.1. Shifter

3.3.2. YUIDoc

3.4. Closure Tools

3.4.1. Compiler

3.4.2. Library

3.4.3. Templates

3.4.4. Linter

3.5. AngularJS

3.6. Generics

3.6.1. Require.js

3.6.2. Modernizr

3.6.3. Backbone.js


4.1. SASS

4.1.1. Compass

4.1.2. Bourbon

4.1.3. Susy

4.2. LESS

4.2.1. .less{}

4.2.2. lessframework

5. ...

5.1. Ruby

5.1.1. RVM

5.1.2. RoR

5.1.3. Sinatra

5.2. Coffescript

5.2.1. Batman.js

5.3. Go

6. Templates

6.1. Mustache

6.2. Handlerbars

6.3. Undercore.js

6.4. Closure Templates

7. Charts and Graphics

7.1. D3.js

7.2. Paper.js