TEDx Christien Meindertsma

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TEDx Christien Meindertsma par Mind Map: TEDx Christien Meindertsma

1. designer

1.1. book

1.1.1. parts of a pig

1.1.2. 12 milion in NL

1.1.3. 3 years research

1.2. subtitel

1.2.1. 1 to 1

2. usage of pig

2.1. gelatine

2.1.1. wine

2.1.2. beer

2.1.3. gelatine

2.1.4. copper

2.1.5. even in bullets

2.2. foto

2.2.1. paper

2.2.2. film

2.2.3. xray film

2.2.4. puzzles

2.2.5. New node

2.3. organs

2.3.1. sausages

2.3.2. New node

2.4. New node

3. story

3.1. did research

3.2. usage of pigs

3.3. why

3.3.1. she like reaw materials

3.3.2. book tells us we have no clue whats in our products now the stories behind your products