Computer Devices

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Computer Devices par Mind Map: Computer Devices

1. Input Devices: helps you enter data

1.1. Microphones

1.1.1. Benefits: attentiveness is increased; stress levels lowered; teacher voice strain is reduced; more interaction by students; more participation

1.1.2. Challenges: information not clear; distraction; confusion; sensory overload; gets unplugged or battery does not last

1.1.3. Can help students hear the teacher better instead of guessing what they are saying. Will help save the schools money by purchasing these instead of other technology

2. Output Devices: device that hooks up to a computer and transfers information

2.1. E-books

2.1.1. Benefits: can highlight notes; all textbooks and notebooks in one place; have audio and visual enhancements to help diverse learning styles; convenient; cheaper; take wherever you go

2.1.2. Challenges: format compatibility; software for publishers; return of investment; keeping up with new devices and their standards; demand for expert vendors on technology

2.1.3. Help students by not having to many textbooks to carry. The school districts will not have to spend more money on textbooks.