Web Quest Project

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Web Quest Project par Mind Map: Web Quest Project

1. Product

1.1. Climate controlled shoes

1.1.1. sporty look

2. Business Name Ideas

2.1. CCS inc.

2.2. Hot Buns Inc.

2.3. Hot Stuff Inc.

3. Ideas

3.1. climate control shoes

3.2. Tracker for car keys, etc.

3.3. Comfy Bus seats

3.4. Car finder key

3.5. Memory foam shoe

3.6. Speaking Dolls

3.7. Mint that freshens back of throat

4. Hot stuff inc.

5. Target Market

5.1. middle class and above

5.2. The U.S.

5.3. male and female

5.4. People who wear tennis shoes

5.5. teens and adults

6. Business Name

6.1. CCS Inc.