What to Look for in a Quality Early Childhood Education Program

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What to Look for in a Quality Early Childhood Education Program par Mind Map: What to Look for in a Quality Early Childhood Education Program

1. Safety

1.1. chemical storage, sanitation, fire extinguishers,

1.1.1. Emergency plans displayed Is the program in a safe neighborhood

2. Work Experience

2.1. How many years of experience does the staff have all together and seperately

3. Financial Differences

3.1. Is it affordable and does it fit your budget?

4. Curriculum

4.1. What type of curriculum does the program follow?

5. Daily Schedule Posted

5.1. What type of activities do the children perform and is it age appropriate.

6. Qualifications

6.1. Are all staff qualified according to their said state?

7. Education

7.1. What type of education do they have, credentials, degrees, diplomas.

8. Exploration and Play

8.1. Is there adequate room for children to play and explore inside and outside. Is there enough toys and equipment to fit the ratio of the amount of children they have?

9. Size

9.1. What is the teacher child ratio, Is the furniture child size and easily accessible, Are the toys developmentally appropriate

10. License

10.1. Star Rating of program, Is the License displayed for you to see