Youth culture

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Youth culture par Mind Map: Youth culture

1. Values

1.1. 1. Social life

1.1.1. friends

1.1.2. family

1.2. 2. Playstation

1.2.1. FIFA

1.3. 3. Food

1.4. 4. After school activities

1.4.1. sports

1.5. 6. Good - a lot of sleep

1.5.1. relaxation

1.6. Freedom

1.6.1. own opinion

1.7. Fun

1.7.1. Laughs

2. Rituals and actions

2.1. Music

2.2. #hipster $wag

2.3. Looks

2.3.1. Fashion

2.3.2. Blogs

2.3.3. clothes

2.4. Internet

2.4.1. Facebook

2.4.2. Instagram

2.5. Finding limits/ your indentity

3. Generation gap

3.1. Technology

3.2. Sense of humor

3.2.1. Language

3.2.2. Dissing

3.3. priorities

3.4. Social life

3.4.1. Way to be together

3.5. Narsisism

3.5.1. look at me, me, me

3.5.2. teens are spoiled curling kids

3.6. Duties at home

3.6.1. Pocket money

4. Stereotype

4.1. Lazy

4.2. Sleep a lot

4.3. Unreliable

4.3.1. No trust

4.4. Respectless

4.5. Party and drinking

4.6. Irresponsible

4.7. Fastfood

4.8. talk badly - swear

4.9. do not care about school and education

4.10. Too many gadgets

4.11. Young people are stupid

4.12. That we worry too much about looks

4.12.1. Social media Pictures

4.12.2. Difination of the perfect look

4.12.3. Fashion magazines